Monday, April 20, 2020

4.19.2020 Time for Healing

Lady Angela please come in
Greetings Doreen,
Many times I have tried to connect with you, yet you have been off in your world doing your worldly experiences
I know when you are ready for the communication you will be here
As I am here now
Even though we are light years apart, our energy connects and thoughts ideas and messages are given and received both ways, thus our communication
This is a strange time your earth is in
There is much that is being said on both sides of the equator
Yet know this
The true leaders are leading your affairs with heart felt dignity and passion for their flock
There are others who are out for themselves and karma will be their lesson learned
For there is nothing you need do or say to change the world as it is spinning today
Some of this is out of your hands, yet there are things that can be done at a global level that open doors and close others keep this in mind for when you approach another their energy is now closely held to their body for the fear that has been place in your worldly society
Now is the time to open those doors and allow the peace and love to flow and show that the tragedy’s that have been presented to your world are now under control
As I stated earlier there is a time when all from other galaxies watch and wait for your galaxy is the one that is dealing with trauma and now is the time for healing
Understand this and allow others to feel and see and understand the momentum they play in this energetic healing prosperity
Lay down you evil fears
Lay down you hatred
Bring to you and to the world the love and light of healing, of peace and of goodwill
For when we bring this new energy into your world it will open the doors for others, for our galaxy and others to beam our light into the health and healing of your planet

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