Monday, April 20, 2020

Celebrations Due You

Good Day Lady Angela – Please come in
Today is a day that you have been waiting for.  Many have been waiting for, this is a celebration to the most highest.  Meaning all that you sacrificed is now being open to you to receive the blessings you have been vigilantly waiting for.  Understand this though you may be celebrating, keep within the most precious gift of all that is your honor and your faith.  Your faith is what you believe in whether it’s Source or not hold true to your beliefs for they carry you though all times.  The tough times and the low times.  There are many high times coming to your Earth.  As you all every one of you in every corner of your world has sacrificed somehow, some way and now is the time to wrap up and see the light coming into your arena.
This is a time for celebration.   Not the total eclipse, the eclipse that darkness is now followed by the light.  The light is brilliant, the light is healing and the light is what wakes many up from the doldrums.  For those that disbelieve and want the controversy that will be there for you always.  For nothing has changed in your personality and nothing has changed in the way you view life.  What has changed is the insurmountable efforts you as a society have taken to unite together and lay low to the circumstances that have entered your earth bound galaxy.  The tension has built up to a momentum that has seized the world you live in.  Restraints have been many, but within your abode you have united within your own walls and given peace to all within.
Know this is the healing that is taking place for your earth plane.
Move forward, thinking positive, allowing the fruit of your dreams to begin again. The light is here the light is shining the light is healing the light is love.

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